Thursday 16 May 2013

The Wearing Of Orange Turban As Part Of A Culture

By Jennie Sandoval

Wearing an orange turban is a culture. There are people whose culture requires the wearing of this accessory over their head. It is a sign of respect to their religious beliefs. People should just respect religious practices and beliefs of others to avoid conflicts.

If these people who are into wearing such accessory is not doing something bad or are law abiding citizens of the country, there is really no reason why you should be bothered with the way they keep their hair. The practice is called Sikhism. A sikh wears it over their head to keep their hair from exposing.

Hair showing off your head is not a good sign of respect as prescribed in their culture. These hairs need to be kept intact inside and completely hidden from sight. The culture has lived on as you see people who belonged to such religious groups wearing them in public places.

Some people have qualms about people wearing them. Kids at school who are wearing it get ridiculed at school. Not that they have a choice. Their parents want them to wear them wherever they go but they hate getting caught wearing it because of peer pressure.

That is what they were born to believe. So, it is hard to shake it off from their system in as much as you cannot help wonder why they have to do that because you think they look ridiculous in those garb because is not part to anything that you believe in. It is the children that suffer the most ridicule.

The children who are instructed by their parents to wear it whenever they go in public suffer the most anxiety. There is peer pressure and because they are children who knows less about this world, they do not know how to handle this pressure with classmates and friends who think they are so weird wearing this on their head. Parents should also try to educate their children about respecting other religious groups practices.

They are told that it is part of their customs and beliefs and that they should honor it by setting an example and actually doing the practice despite the disapproval look of the other people around. Some say that children should just go on with the whims of their parents when it comes to this custom. When they reach the legal age, they can choose to wear the cloth or not if they do not feel like.

However, there is a danger of having assimilated into the practice. For over so many years that you have been doing the thing, it cannot be avoided that the custom has already been incorporated into your system. You cannot possibly think going out with it covering your head.

The negative things that kids say to other kids who they found wearing the outfit is going to scar the kids for life. This is the concern of not only psychologist but most parents. It is going to be a long way still before curious looks will not be thrown your way when they see you wearing an orange turban to school.

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