Thursday 26 December 2013

A Therapeutic Sound Project Can Be Used To Cure Many Ailments

By Lilia Moody

Just turning on the music system and listening to music is not music therapy. A therapeutic sound project is the systematic use of music to help the person live a better quality of life. Many individual differences exist in this kind of treatment. It all depends on the condition and choices of the people who are taking the treatment. While one genre can work for one person, a completely different one might be the right one for another.

The different aspects of music like physical, emotional, spiritual etc. Are used in the course of music therapy to heal the client. There are different ways in which music can heal a person, he can either listen to it, play it, move to it, or even sing it. It is all subjective to the nature of the client and the approach that the therapist takes. All these factors are kept into consideration and then a treatment course is planned for the client.

Music is of great social help. Apart from being one of the best conversation striker, it is also very essential for setting the tone of a place or occasion. It has many mood uplifting abilities that can always be banked upon.

Adolescents tend to go through a number of mood swings and disorders. Music therapy is an effective tool in treating the same. The kind of music that one listens to can also shape his/her identity.

It is of great help to people who have suffered a stroke attack. It is natural for them to feel anxious, pessimistic and helpless about their lives. As their lives have flipped over completely, it is important for them to maintain a balanced state of mind. It is proven that patients who go through music therapy along with the regular treatment are a lot more optimistic and lively than the ones who don't.

It has already been established that music can uplift the mood of a person. But it works to a very large extent where it can even cure major depressive disorder (MDD). Is has been observed that the people who have used music therapy to get rid of the disorder have achieved it faster and easier than the ones who don't. Music enables them to open up emotionally and express better.

While adults require music therapy for such major problems, children have their own needs too. Short attention span, problems with communication and behaviour and lack of social skill can be treated with the use of music therapy. Generally children are encouraged to learn to play an instrument, to make sure that the child is doing something productive in the session hours and also developing a skill.

Music therapies as you know it, was started in the previous century after the world wars. People would find it peaceful to listen to music and dance to it. But its roots can be traced back to the time of Greek gods, it is believed that the first therapeutic sound project was used by Apollo, where he would cure people diagnosed with mental related disorders by singing a song to them.

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