Sunday 26 October 2014

Quality Proofreading Has Saved Many Websites From Being Unreadable

By Dominique Martin

You have just written some copy or an advertising piece you think will get interested people to your website. It may be a white paper or an article that must have wide distribution, including potential investors and or large purchasers. It has to be right and it must not be seen as an amateurish piece. Someone who has quality proofreading skills should be involved with it after you have all of the pertinent information written down.

Two categories of expert review services are often used interchangeably. One of them is the editor and the other is, indeed, the proofreader. The proofreader will work with the information that is present in your piece. They will identify and correct problems with spelling, grammar and other issues. They will ensure the piece is understandable and as easy to read as the subject matter allows. The editor has an expanded role to play.

An editor will be someone who is knowledgeable in the same field you are in. They will be looking for all appropriate data, charts and statistics that will create a well balanced piece. They may bring in additional information that you missed or develop some points more effectively. They will, of course, bring these to your attention before this is done.

Back to the proofreaders you can access easily, no matter where you live. San Diego, CA has many of these and they are easy to work with. These professionals will know all of the many grammar rules as well as spelling issues. The sound alike words that are used and spelled differently will be part of their knowledge base. The commas, colons and semi colons and when they are supposed to be used are their trade marks.

One of their most important functions, especially on websites and in long articles or white papers, is to keep the tenses uniform throughout. Many times people will write in a first person singular at the beginning of a piece and, somehow, change into a second or third person by the end. This is confusing and frustrating for readers who are trying to gain operational information as in a how to do article or series.

Certain types of writing must follow certain formats. An article will be more formal than a blog posting. A blog post will require a certain give and take as far as what information should be inserted and what can be left out. This is often done to lure the reader to check back, next time, to get an explanation or further amplification of something.

A proofreader will also find things that do not read as if the writer actually knows what they are talking about. Improper use of words, live links that either do not work or take the reader to the wrong website can be caught and fixed before anybody sees them. Long run on sentences can also be seen and repaired and this helps in the credibility category when it is published.

When searching for a proofreader, whether in San Diego, CA, or anywhere else, look for someone who has performed this task for many others in the recent past. Look on their website or printed material and see if their product reads as well as it should. Look for any of the problems associated with bad writing and then identify whether they have produced work for your particular niche or industry.

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