Monday 30 September 2013

Best Mexican Restaurant Silverthorne Colorado

By J. Jubilee

College is the ideal time to discover beer and Mexican food. College is the ideal cultural melting pot. Suddenly, we're living on our own without our parents. We're making decisions for ourselves.

Here's mine: ultimate frisbee and Mexican food. College is a very unique time in our lives. Suddenly, we're living on our own in a university dormitory.

Hopefully, we moved away from our hometown so we can really grow. These experiences last longer than what we learn in our books. College is a cultural melting pot. We learn so many new things.

The very first real Mexican food experience is one we'll never forget. Typically, our college buddies were the people who took us there. Maybe, the bait was for just a great beer special. Often the inspiration is something other than food for us. Maybe it was ladies night.

Alternatively, Mexican food and ultimate frisbee have had a lasting appeal. Each of these things were unknown to me prior to college. It's probably different today. High school cafeterias probably have a regular taco day. Ultimate frisbee is now being played in high school and even professionally.

Whether it was ladies night or a beer special that provided the incentive; the time arrives when we encounter our first true Mexican food. All of a sudden, those spices wake up your taste buds. Its impact on us will stay forever. We now have a craving that nothing else but an authentic Mexican restaurant can fulfill.

As time passes old fraternity brothers fade into the past. At one time that thought alone seemed un-thinkable. For a very short time we were all so close. We all shared common goals and single-mindedness. But, all that has passed and a few things remain.

One of those remaining things is an love for authentic Mexican food. How is that even possible? Something that seemed so irrelevant then is so enduring?

Beer, college and Mexican food: that's one of the great combinations of my life. We must do more than hope that real mom and pop Mexican restaurants survive. Think of how many phony, corporate franchises are threatening their existence. Will our kids and their children still have the comfort of savoring genuine Mexican cuisine?

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